Monday, August 18, 2014

The New York Times is Using an Incident from 65 Years Ago, in a Desperate Attempt to Rationalize the Ferguson Black Riots of Today


New York Times caption: “An officer stepped in after young white men attacked a young black man at Fairground Park in St. Louis in 1949. The death of Michael Brown, 18, has revived racial tensions in the area.”

The “principle” being used by the Times and other parts of the racial socialist alliance is this: If a single white ever harmed a single black since the beginning of time, all blacks are therefore entitled to harm all whites, up to and including killing them, for all time, but no white has any right to complain, let alone defend himself, no matter what any black has ever done to him, any of his loved ones, or any other white. That is the “principle” of anti-white racial genocide.

Anytime one deals with such people on line or in person, one should confront them by asking them why they hate whites so much.


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