Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Savage, Racially-Motivated Rape-Murder of Anne Pressly, and the Solution to the World’s Curtis Vances: A Florida Reader Writes


War crime victim Anne Pressly, before she encountered Curtis Lavelle Vance

Re: “Ann Coulter Fans Didn`t Murder Anne Pressly—It was the “Usual Suspect.” But No One`s Apologizing”; and

“‘Someone Who Makes Dogs Bark at Night’: Curtis Lavelle Vance Guilty on All Counts in Anne Pressly Rape-Torture-Murder Trial.”

I want to thank you for your honest article on the brutal rape and murder of Anne Pressly. Speaking as a woman subjected many times in the past to the angry advances of men like Curtis Vance I know all too well where they were coming from, and why Curtis Vance did what he did. They are animals who need to be put down. They bitterly hate white women they want but cannot have. That's what's at the root of such murders and rapes of pretty white women by black men. I've been subjected to their hatred many times, and it did not stop when I lived in Alabama until I put a Springfield .45 into their faces. Then they got the message. I wish Anne had been able to do the same, and pull the trigger.

N.S. responds: Thank you for your moving and insightful letter. I am glad to see that you were alive and physically and spiritually intact, such that you were able to write it. May you have many more years of physical and spiritual well-being, and may you inspire many other women to act likewise!


War criminal Curtis Lavelle Vance, entering the courthouse in Little Rock


Anonymous said...

I had a series of exchanges in the comments section of Steve Sailer's blog with a joker calling himself "Art Deco."

He insists whites have nothing to fear from black crime if they stay in their neighborhoods. I told him in black on white murders, the victims are accosted in "safe" areas, sometimes in their beds, like Anne Pressly.

He replied by calling the Knoxville Horror and Anne Pressly murder "lurid headlines" which "you pulled out of your ***."

I zinged him back, but many people prefer lies to the truth.

David In TN

the rationalak said...

But that's the mentality exactly that all my liberal friends and acquaintance exhibit. They live in all white neighborhoods and work in jobs and have hobbies where they rarely encounter blacks (IT and scuba diving for one example) Then they act like I am a racist for pointing out what is obvious to any intelligent rational person. It's analogous to fundamental Christians who cling to Young Earth Creationism despite mountains of evidence to contrary.

jeigheff said...

As a fundamental Christian, I respect proven science. The process of going from hypothesis to fact is rational and reasonable, if it's properly followed. However, unproven scientific theories, which some people are quick to accept, are another matter.