Friday, November 21, 2014

The Solution to Obama’s Treason is Impeachment!



By Nicholas Stix

There are other solutions, as well, to a man whose very presence in the White House is a crime, but I shall leave them to the reader’s imagination.



Anonymous said...

This one of the most frightening contemporary photographs I have ever seen. I understand Obama and I understand evil. I do not understand the American people, who have an apparent passivity to what is happening right in front of their eyes.

Anonymous said...

What Obama has done here with this amnesty is illegal. He can't do it, only congress has this power, but he has done it. This is Obamas prelude to seizing control of the US and declaring himself US ruler for life. I would say prelude to seizing control of the US Government, but we don't have a government. We have Obama.
Boner will cry his eyes out as he often does and will sob that there's nothing he can do, John McCain will say "Dang" Sessions will say "We won't fund him." After these three are imprisoned for treason who's next is anyone's guess.

Stan D Mute said...

What difference, at this point, does it make?

Something has gone terribly wrong with white men. I was watching a news clip (I haven't watched actual TV in a decade or more) about the FSU negro mass shooting and saw a large gathering of "young adults" holding hands by candlelight singing kumbaya and "trying to process" the tragedy. The crowd was at least half weepy eyed white males. My first and only reaction was, "What the f@ck?" These aren't men! These are women with a penis. And it's worldwide too, just look at Swedish men who sit back in their armchair as their daughters come home wailing, "Father, I was gang raped by africans on my way home from school." Father reclines his chair, sips his water, and says, "That's nice honey, make sure you do your homework."

White men, it seems, will tolerate literally anything done to them by Stone Age peoples. And they'll happily run along to work grueling hours to pay for the Stone Age peoples' feeding, housing, education, and entertainment. They'll refuse to impregnate their wives because they cannot afford the children since 50% or more of their income is stolen and given to freeloaders.

We cannot vote our way out of this. That ship has sailed. Nor can citizens revolt against a government so well informed and well armed as ours. A rebellion would be snuffed out like a candle before it had a chance to spread. Our only real hope is an American Pinochet who will rule for a couple decades while taking the leftists out for scenic helicopter rides over the ocean and purging government of its incompetence and corruption. The likelihood of this happening is probably less than 0.00001%.

The children of today will inherit a very unpleasant America.

Anonymous said...

Thanks SN....also the comments on this site are excellent. The crippling passivity of whites is one of the biggest problems. When, if ever will people wake up. I fear it is too late. I'm sick of paying taxes, being in debt and trying to survive in this insane country. Life is difficult enough, but to ad the fear of crime and the stress it causes is too much. Hard working tax payers are to happily open their hearts and wallets to third world fraudsters.