Monday, May 18, 2015

Duke University is Race Hoax Heaven! My New VDARE Report is Up!


Duke’s head race hoaxer, President Richard Brodhead at an April Fool’s Day Nuremberg-style rally, hating hate!

Duke U or Dupe U? Noose Hate Hoax Perp Probably Asian, but Administration Won’t Say

Duke University working itself up to another Hate Hysteria, this time targeting its own Professor Jerry Hough, a white, 80-year-old Obama-voting liberal who dared to post a dissent to a New York Times editorial megaphoning the Main Stream Media/ Minority Occupation Government Narrative of the Baltimore riots. Recycling this story in the usual uncritical way, the Raleigh News-Observer’s Jane Stancil [Email her] wrote: “The situation comes a few weeks after a Duke student hung a noose from a tree, prompting outrage. The student left the campus but issued an apology and will return to Duke in the fall.” [Duke professor responds to criticism about his comments on African Americans, May 15 2015].

Which raises the question—yeah, whatever happened to that story?...

Read the whole thing at VDARE.

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